die ysterkoei moet sweet

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i know an email from me must come as a bit of a surprise, but i've been reading so much about you&die matie in the papers that i had to voice my opinion.firstly, I am no fan of Hermann Giliomee or his friends and i feel their approach to the university's language problem will only divide us (future&current students and the country at large) even further.

that being said breyten breyten-bach is artist, an abstract artist at that and i thought his review was an intelligent and thought provoking way of verbalising his views on the book and the language question.(i could say alot more about why i see it this way but i don't want to keep you busy the whole day)i think it was highly childish and petty of the university to request an apology from you and i regret that you gave one, even though i'm sure there were more factors involved in you making the decision than the principles of journalism and freedom of the press.

i apologise for making you have to read yet another opinion about a topic i'm sure you've heard more that enough about but i couldn't help myself.i hope you are doing well otherwise and i must say that you and your team are doing more than a good job with the newspaper.

you should come listen to us sing sometime, we're easy on the ear this year.

an old acquaintance

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